Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Self Portrait

a framed pencil sketch

hangs cattycorner from my crib

an amateur’s rendering of

a hand, a baby’s head, a wrist

someone thought the execution

good enough to frame, good enough

to hang in a baby’s room

parts of a baby for the baby

ivory paper, smudged gray lead

clear glass, a black frame

how old am I when I recognize

my own self? dissected

the parts refuse to cohere, head

without a neck, hand here

wrist there, no arm, no body

think about who must have hung it

how many years pass before

I smash this mirror, splinter

the frame, tear up the sketch

bury my remains in the attic

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Hidden Bones of a Wall

a sawdust-clotted web

an earwig’s fractured corpse

one sawzall a halftone below the other

explains what cannot be explained

the idea that humans are gods

witness this wheelchair pope

colonizer, predator

peel back his whited robe

shrive him, skin alive him

let gall pollute the cracked soil

boiled from the blood of commoners

they creep up behind you

nodding stickseed, six-legged prey

species begin to be missed

spinners spin again

until some time afterward

you don’t see the last of something

on we cower to nowhere