Wednesday, February 23, 2022


crack open earth & rock rises

pressured, scarred

a cure for what we’ve lost

if rocks could draw

they would draw gods like rocks

before we spoke

we danced with rocks & time

sang rock, boulder, ledge

shape maker, wind breaker

rock, like spirit, abides — 

weathered, spidered

all year long mossed

quarried from place

a rock ledge falls apart

as we do, molecule by molecule


Saturday, February 19, 2022

The End of Her

papers we sign, the judge we stand before

remove the last scraps of her authority

morph her into a pawn we’ll move at will

though not to capture castle, knight, or king

her personhood is threadbare, a shroud

holding no one, if we tell her she’s hungry

she eats, tell her she’s tired she sleeps, meds

have made her mild, like snow without cold

bread without salt, we pretend it’s kindness

to keep her alive, to tag & warehouse her, to

forget her, as she is forgetting us, will forget

over time the last rags of us, she’s not yet

so far gone that she won’t notice her delivery

to this well-ordered, emptier, blanker space

Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Measurement Problem

I create someone I value

feed her for most of my life

fail to foresee

the wave form collapse

the classic alternatives

I’ve tried to reject

branching fails to stop

here different, here same

the wobble

close to death, close to life

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


skunk, its broad yellow stripes rocking 

side to side, walks the trail ahead of me

fresh musk rises from old snow

skunk wobbles, rear feet stumble

still, it sways along, pauses to bare

a pointed face, what does it wonder? 

walks until something tells it it’s gone

too far, turns & rushes toward me

I leave the trail, take up a stout stick

skunk struggles back the way we came

toward its burrow, I hope, to wait

to die, of rabies, that virus, in the wild