Saturday, December 31, 2022


a concatenation of molecules

not one of which knows anything beyond its

molecular connectivity

                                         that is to say rock

doesn’t know its measure — breadth, width

or weight — or its place, much less its traverse

via earthquake, volcano, glacier

or moving plates

                              history seen & hammered

& cored & interpreted, but not known


the lean of a tree, the curve of a shore

what appears in every instant to be a

line is the nothing nature has to say

curl of a wave, puff of a cloud — what

science claims to explain, the latest

take on what Newton began, believe

it if you need something to believe, but

it’s no more true than a wishing well

wanting to know doesn’t mean knowing

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Central Heating

housed in my cellar submarine

oil-breathing pink-&-purple jellies

balloon & deflate in freshly delivered

fuel — oil mists, a spark flares

red-tinged explosions at every grate —

trapped in their dark fragrant vehicle

the jellies fail to acknowledge human

fate, all the better to genuflect & swan

plie, arabesque, when jellies copulate

tentacles entwine, male mouths spray

females inhale, half-digested sperm

swarm over eggs, replication ensues

no wonder the room grows warm

Thursday, December 15, 2022


1931, a year too young for Yale

he was sent for a finishing year abroad

we read the letters he wrote to his mother

& jottings in his day book — HitlerJugend

marching every afternoon, weekend

outings with Werner, Friedrich, Birgit, Uta

frolicking nights of Wurst und Bier —

his sister Alice said, he came back changed

1941, a new uniform, Navy lieutenant

the freshly minted MD shipped off to war

our mother described his nightmares

how she would shake, wake him, silence

his screams

                       he beat us for being what

he didn’t want, Heil Hitler, damn his eyes

Unnaming Mt Philo

mountain reduced to a hill

trail engineered in rectangular stones

paved roads for let’s-not-walk-ers

highest branches gold-leafed in winter sun

ill-conceived papering over

legitimate truths the land retains

original structure waits

on humanity’s fall

long hibernating roots quiver to rise

instar & eft turkey & hawk

hare skunk moose deer fox bear weasel

people the archived slopes

trails gutter paved roads breach

mountain of glacial rock graven stone

Saturday, December 10, 2022


I am not the image I see in the mirror, I am

the person I live with inside my body

inside my head, a person I know

better than I know the world I walk through

she is an it once dressed in costumes

sewn for a mincing simpering doll

she broke the mirror, junked the mask

burst through the curtain shouting I don’t

know what I am except that I am not

what you ordered, what is I is not what

was asked for, what is I exists apart

from anything & anyone I've met

some find a place in the world, I fail to

imagine what such a place might be

apart then, apart now, by myself always

will not be, not then, not now, not ever

Friday, December 2, 2022

My Cat Will Never Go to Middle School

never obsess over hair or clothes or pimples

or whether he’s liked or how to disappear

instead he spends half the morning in my lap

& all night pressed up against me in my bed

you might as well say our bed since I’m never

in it without him, except for brief forays

to eat or wrestle with the other cat

or investigate a sudden noise (might be

a mouse), if I stroke him in the night

he slithers up to my face, opens his salmon-

scented mouth & purrs with a sound

like a broken water pump, kneads my neck

with sharp claws, he knows he’s perfect

even without algebra, a foreign language

& an intramural sport, for the hour before

climbing into my lap each morning

he roams the house crying for everything

he doesn’t have (good grades, better

parents, a girl friend, spending money)

I scratch his ears, offer him food, tell him

just wait, someday you’ll be old like me

then you’ll have something to complain about