the Concord River though not the Nile
carries many crocodiles, the revered
Concord River crocodile, Crocodylus
concordia, so dark brown as to be called
black & ridged with shiny turtles — red
sliders — so unlike the rubbled matte
snapper inching down a driveway
across the road from its home swamp
Faberge riverside glutted with sun-
sparkled greens, river water laced with
water lily, fanwort, bumps that might
be turtles, but no, the bumps are crowns
of baby crocs, lurking floaters ‘til grown
past boat length, slick with weed
feeders on water strider & damselfly
dangling fingers, toad & frog fry
homes along the banks anticipate
the flood — rising water, civil war
evolving virus as well as predatory
Crocodylus — the newly warmed world
celebrates a spreading mesh of feral
DNA — the running amok of life
cleansed of Homo strain, guaranteed
planet earth life après les régimes