Thursday, April 27, 2023

Already Gone

a worm senses change, more light

& warmer air driven

ahead of the blade, the hoe

watches two worms twist away

do they feel pain?

folks who'd rather shoot than vote

rather pray than read a book

guard the borders, block

refugees, send them back home

while home sinks under rising seas

while Chevron, Exxon, BP, & Gasprom

drill, billionaires burn jet fuel

militants wage war

so the human species ends, earth

feels better every day

Other Speak

Linnaean naming

catalogs ancestry, locates

species, sub of genus

replicate, assemble

molecule to cell to many-celled 

to multi-featured

yet competence needn’t require

complexity, consider

coronavirus, or a cancer cell

do you for a moment

believe we are more capable

than they are?

perhaps the only way forward

requires us to concede

that conscious life

resides in every atom

trees, weather, stones, rivers, fire

if all speak, why not listen?

After the Thaw

ten years too late

four walls rise from the pit

shore up the north room

the floor slopes away

beyond the heaps of soil

rock, rotted clapboard, foam block

concrete forms

                         the earth

greens, the wild flowers

leggy shrubs unfurl

mature trees sprout yellow

catkins & tented leaves

I clear a swath of brush

kindle a green fire

white smoke, orange flame